Sunday, July 6, 2014

Gross Bugs and Slimy Slugs

We had a fun week that was full of learning all about BUGS!!

On Monday we learned about ladybugs! We talked about how ladybugs have two sets of wings and their colorful spotted wing shell protects their black wings that actually help them fly! We painted black wings and then used pompons to spot our red wing shells.

We have been working on our numeral recognition and our ability to count items, one at a time. Here my munchkins counted the spots on different ladybugs and drew lines to connect the corresponding bug to the correct numeral.

How many bugs can we think of? Check out our list!

We have been exploring the idea of measuring with different tools and here we measured bugs and other objects with small cubes.

My munchkins were really intrigued with these little cubes filled with real bugs! We were able to observe real bugs with magnifying glasses and enjoyed seeing them from all of their different sides.

Look at our finished ladybugs!!

In the afternoon we made dirt cups!! We stirred up mud… errr chocolate pudding…

We pounded up dirt…err oreo cookies…

And viola! Delicious dirt cups with squirmy worms!

On Tuesday morning The Bug Lady visited us!! It was awesome to listen to her presentation and we learned a lot!!

After she presented, we got to look at more than 100 bugs that she brought in to the school! She even let us touch some!! It was awesome!

We made beautiful smoosh butterflies for art today!

We also reviewed the different body parts of a butterfly and talked about how butterflies eat the nectar out of flowers.

In the afternoon we smooshed up more dirt and added a trail of ants into their ant dirt hill. We talked about ants and learned about how ants can carry 10 times more than their body weight and will bring back food to their ant hill. We even sang, “The Ants Go Marching,” while we walked through the halls!

On Wednesday we talked about spiders!! I asked my munchkins…

We made spiders with our very own hands and answered some great questions about our spiders!!

We also laced and spun our own webs.

On Thursday my munchkins counted different insects and connected the correct numeral to the corresponding bug.

We made bumble bees with our feet and I asked my munchkins…