Monthly Theme Ideas

Hey Fellow Munchkin Teachers! I thought you may want to get some ideas for the upcoming month. Here's what I have planned in my classroom.

Check back for March... Coming soon :)

February Theme Ideas: “Friendship is Sweet”

  • Friendship Art- Work on a painting with a friend
  • Paint a hive as a class, have everyone paint their own bumble bee friend to add to the hive
  • Friendship Quilt- everyone decorates a square and helps lace it together
  • Friendship Tree with handprint leaves from all the students
  • Friendship Wreath made of all of the student’s hand prints
  • Friendship Bracelets- make a bracelet for a friend

  • What is a friend?
  • What do you like to do with friends?
  • How can we help friends feel good? List ideas- hugs, compliments
  • Hold a Compliment Circle- go around and give each friend a compliment
  • How can you make new friends?

  • Lace your friend a Friendship bracelet
  • Write your name on a card and decorate for a friend
  • Lacing the friendship quilt
  • Trace an “F” for friend

  • Friendship flowers- split a carnation at its base and put one half in a color and the other half in another color- For example: blue and yellow will make a green flower.
  • Sort counters with a friend
·         Play peek-a-boo counters with a friend. Put numbered hearts in order and hide a different (peek-a-boo) heart.

  • Friendship Freeze Dance- have students freeze on the nearest heart and make it so they have to share the small area with a friend.
  • “You are my Sunshine”
  • Friend Games (like a Simon Says game)- Have students partner up and teacher calls out, “Hand to Hand,” “Leg to Leg,” “Back to Back”
  • Combination of Freeze Dance and Friend Games- dance around until the music stops then freeze with a friend and follow directions.

Friendship Fruit Salad- have each classmate bring in a fruit and add it to the salad. Enjoy!

Valentine’s Day:

·         Make a heart with your hands and attach poem you can find here: CLICK HERE and make a Valentine’s Card for parents.
·         Coffee Filter hearts- watercolor paint to create a tie-dye look
·         Splatter painting on a heart (use toothbrushes, paint brushes, etc)
·         Make people out of hearts
·         Spray paint hearts
·         Valentine’s Day Card Holders

·         What is love? Who do you love?
·         Being caring shows your love. List ways to be caring.
·         How can you show you are thinking of others?
·         What is Valentine’s Day?
·         What does X and O represent with love?

·         Make hearts with your hands
·         Trace a heart
·         Lace a heart necklace
·         Lace a heart shape

·         What shape does love represent?
·         Sorting hearts by size and color
·         Put numbers on large hearts and put in order
·         Peek-a-boo Hearts: put numbered hearts in order and hide a different (peek-a-boo) heart.
·         Tangrams to make a heart
·         Patterning with X’s and O’s

·         “A Finger Heart” from The Mailbox “Songs and Rhymes on Parade”
Fingers to Fingers,
Thumb to thumb
Bend them down
And See what they become
·         “I Love You, You Love Me” from Barney
·         “You are my Sunshine”

·         Have a Valentine’s Party and exchange valentines- Tip: Younger students need to be walked through this so keep it to a small group. The students should bring in valentines with no names on them so you can help them drop the cards into their friends boxes/bags easily. Sitting in a circle helps this.


  • Happy Paper Plate faces- choices of yarn colors for hair, googly eyes, button noses
  • Photocopy real pictures of students posing different emotions. Watercolor over them.
  • Collage with simple faces (circles with sad, happy, mad, silly face)

  • Look at pictures of people showing emotions- talk about what they are feeling. Have students practice each emotion.
  • Wrinkled Heart Activity-
Read “Chrysanthemum,” by Kevin Henkes or “How to Lose All Your Friends,” by Nancy Carlson. Take a paper heart and wrinkle it a little each hurtful thing read. Then, open the heart and talk about how hurtful things never go away once they are done.
  • Talk about forgiveness. Give situations like, “Someone hit you. What should you do?” Discuss feelings, how to fix it and what to do next.
  • When do you feel Happy, silly, mad, tired, grumpy
  • How do you handle friends when you are in a bad mood?

  • Lace happy faces
  • Make happy faces on white boards
  • Make puzzles out of emotions pictures- Have students put them together
  • Use chopsticks or tweezers to move cotton balls on to a happy face outline
  • Mr. Potato Faces

  • Graph feelings each day
  • Add feelings of students- 2 happy plus 2 tired equals 4 friends
  • Sorting and Patterning with faces (use simple circle faces- happy, mad, sad, silly)
  • Count the different faces used on art
  • Listen to a classmate’s heartbeat- How does this sound?

  • Simon Says- act out emotions
  • Older students can be given a situation and act out emotions (ex: you just stubbed your toe)
  • “Sing a Song of Feelings” courtesy of to the tune of Frere Jacques
“I have feelings, I have feelings
Look at me, and you’ll see
Sometimes I feel (mad)
Really really (mad)
Look at me, and you’ll see”

  • Feelings Bingo- I found a great template courtesy of Perkilou Products CLICK HERE

Rhyming, Silly Seuss Week:
Dr. Seuss’ Birthday is March 2nd.

  • Paint Cat in the Hat red striped hats
  • Foot prints for the “Foot Book”
  • Decorate a Green Eggs and Ham placemat
  • Draw and dictate to the teacher things that should go up
  • Draw a special birthday cake for Dr. Seuss

  • What are rhyming words- play a rhyming game- Can you rhyme with Come up with your own rhymes
  • Who was Dr. Seuss? Career exploration.
  • What present would you get for Dr. Seuss’ birthday?
Book Specific:
  • “Cat in the Hat” What would you do on a rainy day?
  • “Foot Book” Where will you go with your feet?
  • “A Great Day for Up” Game- Does this go up? List different things that do and do not fly
  • “Fox in Sox” Share your silly socks
  • “Green Eggs and Ham” Would you try green eggs and ham? Make them!!

  • Use wiki stix and form simple Seuss words on top of templates
  • POP bubble wrap
  • Tracing red and white lines on a Seuss hat

  • Count how many feet are in the class
  • Estimate then count- How many times did Sam ask?
  • Count how many things go up
  • Counting by 5’s, 10’s, etc. is like rhyming- Try it!
  • Spell out POP with masking tape on the floor then HOP ON POP

  • Cooking with Rhymes: MAKE a CAKE and BAKE it. Make a cake for Dr. Seuss, while wearing your Dr. Seuss hats, and see how often you can rhyme while doing it.
  • Wear silly socks on Friday too!

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