Sunday, January 26, 2014

Community Helpers Week One

Welcome to a new week full of Community Helpers! We will be learning about jobs around town and exploring the idea of what we might want to do when we grow up.

To start the week off right, we made pudding to celebrate our new letter of the week, the letter P!


We learned about Police Officers to begin our week. After talking about them and reading books about their jobs, I asked my munchkins what a police officers job is to check their comprehension. This is what they said:

P is for Penguin!! We just love share time!

Police Officers help keep us safe and so do streetlights. We practiced following directions while completing art today. We used pompoms to fill in paint on the top, middle and bottom with the correct color.

Completing 10-12 piece puzzles is a great way to develop logic, problem solving skills, patience, fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and much more. We worked on completing
Community Helper themed puzzles.

In the afternoon we developed a stronger understanding of a community and what types of businesses and helpers are found around town. My munchkins picked out where they live in our town and we added community helpers and other businesses.

Afterward, we had fun dressing up as different community helpers.

On Wednesday we focused on Firefighters! For art we painted a fire, then colored a fire truck and added it to the fire to “put out our fire.”

Look at our wonderful line!! Here we are, on our way up to the Science Deck!

Up on the Science Deck we used a real stethoscope, pretending to be a doctor, and listened to our heartbeat!

To help us recognize our letter of the week we played Letter Swat! We reviewed the names and sounds of all the letters on the board as they were written, then we each took turns finding the letter P on our own!

We learned about the job of a Doctor today so we made our very own Doctor’s Kits! We peeled Band-Aids on our own, glued down tongue depressors, etc. then traced a red cross to add to the front of the kit.

In the afternoon we played a firefighter game and looked for a fire at the correctly colored Fire Station.

On Friday we made a “P”udding “P”ie to celebrate the end of our P week.


On Friday we learned about Mail Carriers. I asked my students what they might get in the mail and this is what my munchkins said:

Who doesn’t love mail? We made pictures and decorated envelopes and will be using mail carriers to deliver mail to ourselves!! My munchkins can’t wait to get our letters in the mail!!

Check out next week when we explore more community helpers!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cold Weather Fun

Brrr…. It’s Cold out there: Snow Flakes, Snowmen and Snowy days

We built our own cracker snowmen before snacking on them. We used ritz crackers for the body, pretzel sticks as the arms and blue berries for the buttons, smile and eyes. This was a deliciously fun activity!

Only certain animals can live in cold, snowy weather. We played with some of them!

We just love making art!  We made handprint snowflakes and added glitter to help them glisten.

Our letter of the week was the letter Nn! We played “I Spy” to find all of the n’s in the names of our classmates. Can you count how many there are?

In the afternoon we played BINGO! This isn’t a game we typically play bit the children sis such a wonderful job playing it!!

We love to dress up! Check ou our firefighter, princesses and dragons!

Sharing is so much fun. We love to include all of our friends and can share our space anytime!!

Check out how cute all three of us were. We were a bunch of twins J

For art we made snowmen sensory bags! You can squish, squeeze and trace on these bags. They are a ton of fun!

I asked my munchkins, “If you were in the snow, what would you do?”

We are now planning on going to our Science Deck two days a week, on Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30 -10am. On Thursday we watered the plants up there and talked about ways to care for the science deck area correctly.

We played with play dough as a fun special treat! We have been working on listening and following multiple step directions so as we played with the play dough we tried to remember to play with one tool at a time.

For art we worked very hard to keep our dot art inside the lives of a snowflake template. We got very creative!!

On Friday we celebrated Ariana’s Birthday!!! Happy Third Birthday Ariana!

 Thanks for checking out our week of fun! Check back for more updates each week J