Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pond Life

tle Speckled Frogs, Sitting on a Speckled Log, Eating the MOST Delicious Flies!

We learned all about PONDS this week! Ponds inhabit many different types of creatures in and outside of the water and we got a small look at what it’s like to live in a pond!

We began our week off by making our own blue jello ponds and each had a turn adding a fish to our pond. 

They were delicious!

For art we made frogs!! I gave my munchkins a template, but they were free to make their frogs however they wished. These were some very cute froggies!!

On Tuesday we pretended to be frogs and made “Flies on a Log” with celery, cream cheese and raisins.

After adding the “flies” my munchkins pretended to be frogs and catch the flies only using their tongues. It was tons of fun!

For art we made lily pads. After learning how lily pads grow in ponds, we used fine-tipped paintbrushes to paint the lily pad’s flower…

Then my munchkins cut out the lily pads all by themselves!! Their cutting skills have progressed rapidly!!

We made little turtles for art this week as well! My munchkins tore the paper for the shells on their own, and then pasted it on to the shells. They also added their appendages as well. This gave us a great opportunity to talk about the different body parts of a turtle!

We have been focusing on connecting upper and lowercase letters together, as well as naming the letters, not just identifying their phonetic sound. Here we worked together to put the alphabet together in order. On one side of the crabs the lowercase letters were present, and on the other you could see the uppercase letters, which added to the challenge.

Our writing skills have been progressing!! We have been using our theme to help pick our letter of the week and our focus this week is on P for pond! Here, one of my munchkins traced p’s and the word pond. Great job!!

We also traced different pond words and colored pictures that described each word.

We also LOVE looking through fiction and nonfiction books that connect with our theme. Here one of my munchkins pretended to read me a story about the pond pictures she was looking through.

It was also Sweet Ms. Alix’s 3rd Birthday!!