Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ocean Life

“Slippery Fish, Slippery Fish, Swimming Through the Water…”

We spent the last two weeks talking all about the beach and the ocean. Check out what we have been up to!

We began our first week talking about the beach! We made sand scenes for art and talked about what the beach has in it. We talked about the animals that live there, what you can do there, and the sand, water and sun too! This was a great fine motor and sensory experience!

We worked on our tracing skills at Circle Time! We traced lines the create waves under a sea picture!

On Tuesday morning we found our shadows!! We had tons of fun exploring how they moved, where we could see them and where we couldn’t and what they were exactly!

We made foot print seagulls for art!

On Wednesday we painted a water scene! We painted on the morning…

Then we added sea life in the afternoon. We had fun talking about how seaweed grows underwater!

On Thursday we talked all about what exactly lives underwater! We have some amazing sea animals in our classroom and had tons of fun naming the different animals at Circle Time.

After naming them off, I had my munchkins pick out their favorite one!

 We sang our new favorite song, “Slippery Fish, Slippery Fish, swimming in the water…”

We made hermit crabs for art!! My munchkins decorated the shell with dot art and worked their fine motor skills by peeling and placing googly eyes on the crab. This gave us a great opportunity to learn about the different body parts of a hermit crab!

In the afternoon we made Sandy Eggos!!! We mixed our cinnamon and sugar sand and sprinkled it onto our waffles! Yummy!!!!

On Friday we learned about octopuses in the ocean. We learned all about the different body parts and decided to add cheerios on the tentacles to represent the suckers. This made a great creative and fine motor experience for art!

On week two of our ocean life study we began with this fun book! We had fun talking about things that are big or humungous and got to build our vocabulary too!

We got to work with real seashells! We categorized then by type, by size and just had fun looking at them!

We made rainbow fish for art too! We heard the story about how the rainbow fish shared his rainbow scales and had so many friends, then created our own!

Slippery Fish, Slippery Fish… Gulp, gulp, gulp… Oh No!! It was eaten by a Great White Shark!

We played a fun phonics game where we got to roll and catch a beach ball and announce the letter’s sound or phoneme that we see first. Letters were written all over the beach ball and my munchkins had a ball practicing their phonics!

We talked all about sharks today! We learned about different types of sharks and then created our own shark hats for art! We combined white and black to create the perfect grey. 

We talked about starfish today! We learned how they are able to regrow legs that may be lost, talked about the number of arms a starfish has and the shape it resembles.

We used textured paint to create starfish for art!

We looked at letters that were printed on different clam shells in the afternoon. These uppercase letters were challenging and great practice for us!

On Friday we began our day with sticker art! Great fine motor and hand-eye coordination.

More phonics beach ball fun!

We made octopus gloves for art in the afternoon! We mixed the paint throughout the glove and added some little googly eyes!

 I hope you enjoyed all of our activities from our last two weeks!