Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer Lovin' Happend So Fast...

Summer Loving Had Me a Blast!!!

We talked all about Summer Weather this week! It was the perfect connection to outer space!! We explored the sun, hot weather, what we should wear in the summer and what activities can be done in the summer. Check out our week!

On Monday, focused on the sun! It get’s pretty hot during the summer time, so we talked about how we get closer to the hot star in outer space which is why it is hotter during the Summer time. 

I asked my munchkins what they like to do in the Sun and this is what they said...

We have been talking about numeral identification. Focusing on 1-3, and introduced 4 and 5 this week! We worked together to count the number of suns put on the white board and point out the corresponding numeral.  

We made our own suns with tissue paper today for art! We talked about why we used red, yellow and orange, which are “warm and hot” colors!

One of our table activities was a one to one correspondence game where my munchkins counted out the rays on each sun and linked it to the number of pompoms they put on each sun.

In the afternoon, we made a quick art project that connected to our understanding of heat. We made our own little fans to cool us off during the hot summer weather! My munchkins helped me spell their names and also practiced making the fan work! What a great way to practice our literacy, hand-eye coordination and explore our creativity!

My favorite place to go during the summer is Hawaii! Aloha! We are celebrating the tropical summer on our playground too!! Check out these cute little summer babies!

On Tuesday, we started off our day with some beach ball fun!! We can dribble the ball and practice catching it!!

Clouds were our focus on Tuesday. We talked about ways the sun can hide behind the clouds, how the clouds can cool us down, and how our days in June get a lot of clouds were we live!

For art, we made some neat clouds with a “Clean Finger Paint” technique. We used food storage baggies as a barrier and put the paint and paper inside of the bags. This was both fun and not messy. I think I loved as much as they did J

In the afternoon we had a picnic inside our classroom! Picnics are the best in the Summer Time!

On Wednesday, we talked about things to wear to help protect us from the Summer sun. We made sun visors as our art project!!

We have been working hard on our phonics knowledge and love our ZooPhonics program. Today we also played “Bingo,” without bingo markers. We pointed out the different sounds that were called out and are learning how to play the game!

In the afternoon we practiced our fine motor and color concepts skills by choosing either yellow or orange and we colored a sun!

We have been working very hard on rote counting to 25. On Thursday, we got to practice our counting with suns!

We counted and also used the Sun Board for fine motor opportunities! We used tweezers to connect each sun with a pompom, learning the numerals, counting and working our fine motor development!

We love to count!!!

 Our original plan was to explore shadows this week, but June Gloom wanted nothing to do with this, so instead we explored more about the sun’s powerful heat!

We made Sun Prints on Thursday afternoon, adding objects to our special paper and looking for what would happen to the paper.

We were so interested to see how the objects left a mark. It was an exciting moment!!

Our focus on Friday was picnics! We talked all about what a picnic is, then I asked my munchkins what a picnic was to them...

Although we ran out of time to have a picnic ourselves, we had a ton of fun creating our own picnic baskets. We worked our fine motor skills to color the different foods we might pack.

Afterwards, we worked our vocabulary skills and named off everything we were packing. Great job Munchkins!

At the end of the day, I asked my munchkins what they would pack in their picnic and this is what they said…

 We are so excited summer is here and hope you enjoyed learning about our week as much as we did having it!!!
See you next week!

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