Monday, June 30, 2014

Arrrrgggghhh! It's Treasure Island Week!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Life For Me!

After reviewing the theme of pirates, we began the week with a Listening Activity. My munchkins worked on their self-control and their ability to listen and follow directions while learning about different pirate themed objects.

For art we added gold coins to our treasure boxes. We counted how many coins we had, and then added two more. Afterwards I helped them write out the equation. We are exploring addition sums with the plus two family, recognizing our numerals and being able to write them on our own.

We explored a “treasure bag” with objects beginning with P hiding inside. We took turns looking through the treasure bag, recognizing different words aloud and listening for the “p sound” in each word.

Afterwards, we had tons of fun singing “Row, row, row your boat,” while pretending to row a boat with a classmate. This was tons of fun and taught us about teamwork and coordination.

My munchkins have been working on their handwriting and they also LOVE to draw!! Check out their pirates!

In Kids Kitchen we made Pirate Play-dough!! We made black play-dough and added gold sparkles. We loved to play with itJ

On Tuesday we started to make pirate faces by painting peach on our paper plates. We had to let it dry before adding more features.
We have been working on more challenging patterns and here, my munchkins worked to extend pirate patterns on their own, first identifying the pattern, then cutting and pasting the correct picture. Great fine motor, mathematics and logic practice!!

In Kids Kitchen we ate orange and apple boats and talked about why these were a healthy afternoon snack. We also had fun counting the amount of “boats” we had and tried to make a pattern with them.

We decorated headbands using our own creativity and imagination, and then attached them to pirate hats. Check out the cutest little Pirates there ever were!!

We also pretended to be pirates and drew a pathway for our ship to find the treasure. This was a fun beginning maze that had us thinking about the different areas to stay away from and taught us self-control.

In the afternoon we dressed as pirates and searched for our treasure, the letter P. Arrrrghhh!!

We also got to dress up in our water gear and had a fun water battle, complete with water balloon cannons!!

On Thursday we searched for the treasured letter P on a worksheet that was covered in all different letters. This was a great challenge for my munchkins!

We made Pirates with our very own handprints!!

In the afternoon we had so much fun discovering the new musical instruments in our new class. We explored rhythm and our own creativity with music!!

In the afternoon the class wrote their very own Pirate story. Check it out!! So adorable!!

We also added more parts to the pirate face we began on Tuesday. It’s almost done…

On Friday we explored words that rhyme with “ship.” My munchkins are getting very good at rhyming!

We completed two art projects. First we completed our pirate faces, adding funny beards to their chins.

Next we created waves with our fingers. There is nothing more fun than finger painting!!

We also counting pirate objects and picked the correct numeral. My munchkins did this all on their own and are getting very good at it!

In the afternoon we played ZooPhonics Bingo, practicing our word/print recognition and our phonological awareness.

We also played with our Pirate Play-dough more before the end of our Pirate Week.

Thanks for following our first week Mateys!

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