Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day Sweetness

My Sweethearts celebrated Valentine’s Day this week!!

We began the week by making valentine’s play dough. It smelled just like cherries!!

Our letter of the week is the letter S. We came up with a lot of S words this week!!

We made mobiles depicting all of our loved ones for art!!

My munchkins loved playing with their play dough. They had fun pretending to make cookies and other fun things!

On Tuesday we talked about what love is. This is what my munchkins said…

S is for sunglasses. Too Cute!

Hearts represent love and we learned to make hearts with our very own hands!

In Kids Kitchen we made heart shaped cookies and in the afternoon we ate them all up!

Our personalities are shinning through! During sticker time, two of my munchkins made mustaches and were excited to show me J

I’ve also noticed some of my other munchkins pretending to be little teachers. So adorable!

On Wednesday we used categorized candy hearts by their color and then counted them.

According to my munchkins, Valentine’s Day is…

Before celebrating our Valentine’s Day party, we made hats on Thursday. We used all sorts of hearts and practiced our gluing skills.

We passed out our Valentine’s one by one and had soo much fun!

In the afternoon we celebrated with cupcakes and cookies!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dental Health Week!!

We began the week off with a very special visit from the Fire Department!!
They did a wonderful presentation about safety and to not be afraid of firefighters if there is a fire.

Afterwards, we got to check out the Fire Engines and an Ambulance.

A HUGE Thank You to the Carlsbad Fire Department!!

This week we focused on Dental Health! I was only able to capture a few fun activities this week. Check them out:

We talked about healthy dental habits and glued teeth onto a smile J

We also made delicious apple smiles for a snack and talked about how healthy apples are for our teeth.

We have been working our fine motor and hand-eye coordination with stickers!

Our letter of the week was the letter R. These are some of the R words that my munchkins came up with after reading a book about R. Great job guys!!

We practiced drawing sugar bugs onto teeth and then had fun as we brushed the bugs off with real tooth brushes!!

We also had fun turning a yellow sugar bug-filled tooth into a glistening white tooth by brushing white “toothpaste/paint” on with real tooth brushes.

We capped our week off on Thursday by celebrating another special birthday!! Happy 3rd Birthday Miss Ava!!!!