Sunday, September 22, 2013

Apples Galore!!

It was all about APPLES this week!! We had fun exploring different types of apples, apple parts, patterning with apples, art with apples and much MUCh more! Check out our week!

We began our week exploring four different types of apples, Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith apples! We looked at different apples and opened them up to explore the parts of an apple.

Yummo, We even tried an apple!! Apples are such a great, healthy snack!!

Our letter of the week is the Letter A! Look what we found!! A!

We have a lot of A’s in our names! We looked at the letters in our names, then counted how many A’s we had in all!

We were on the look out for A’s everywhere! 

In the afternoon we scooped “apple seeds,” practicing our fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills.

A is for apple!! Check out the cutest fingerprint apples!!

Happy Birthday to one of our newest classmates, Ryden Hicks!!

We practiced our counting with apple counting, then we took turns pointing out different numbers!!

Apple patterning!! We took turns completing the pattern!

Friends Forever!!

On Tuesday we talked about the importance of washing our fruits and vegetables before eating them because they are grown outside with tons of dirt and bugs around. We took turns each washing a piece of fruit and then enjoyed in a fruit filled snack.

We loved to scoop and pour “apple seeds” (black beans) this week!

We had our first week of Share!! Check out these sharing professionals!! Share, or Show and Tell, is a wonderful way to gain experience with public speaking, develop language, social and emotional development and an opportunity for our audience to grow in their listening skills.

For art, we made apple cores! We added apple seeds, practicing our creative and fine motor skills, counted the seeds, then traced the number of seeds we added.

We tasted apple sauce and talked about different things you can make with apples! Yummy!

We got to indulge in an “A” snack of angry bird cookies and apple juice thanks to one of our classmates. Thanks Vivi!!

We have been working on identifying our numbers and with the help of mu little munchkins we came up with some great objects to draw!! My munchkins pointed out different numbers all on their own!!

We did a taste test of different apples and in the afternoon we charted our favorite apples!

We loved looking through different books we read at Circle Time!

In Kids Kitchen on Friday we used a popsicle letter identification game!! We took turns matching up upper and lowercase letters with the help if color identification!!

A is for alligator!!

There is ALWAYS time to boogie down and to have fun with friends!!

Share time has been a blast!!

We made handprint apple trees!!

We also made our own apple patterns!!

We have been crazy busy with the approach of Fall and can’t wait to continue to explore it more!! Check back next week for more fun!!

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