Monday, November 11, 2013

Whooo's Ready for a Week of Owls!?!

Guess Whoo’s our topic this week!?! Well, owls of course!! These beautiful, mysterious and strong birds were the topic of discussion and we sure had fun exploring all that there was to know about OWLS!!

My munchkins had fun sorting different bugs that an owl may eat. We sorted by colors and also by bug type.

We also organized shapes together, matching them with the shapes found on the bellies of the owls on the table. This gave us great classification and shape recognition practice!

We made owl hats! We began by fine-tuning our fine motor skills with some coloring and then we added tons of fun feathers!!

These may be the cutest owls I ever did see!

Sequencing is a big focus of ours! We pointed out BIG, Medium and small objects and had a great time reviewing our shapes by identifying the different sized objects on the bellies of these owls.

We channeled our inner owls and ate a yummy snack like owls would, no hands, just… beaks!!

Our letter of the week this week is H! We found 5 H’s in our first and last names!! We had tons of fun looking through our names and getting familiar with each other’s full names! This was also a great opportunity to identify the letter H and get familiar with the different concepts of print!!

Share time is so much fun!! Here are some of my munchkins sharing what they brought in for the letter Hh this week!

We love to color and have bee doing an awesome job working on staying in the lines of the coloring sheets!

We learned a fun owl song, describing the body parts and characteristics of an owl!! Look how cute we are as we sing and act it out!
“Two wide eyes and a pointy nose, two pointy ears and claws for toes. He sits up high in the tree and flaps his wings as he looks at me. He says, Whoo, whoo, whoo.”

Check out the different numbers of focus this week! These little munchkins have mastered the lower numbers, making the “teens” pretty easy to pick up!!

Here’s some more classification fun!! My favorite part of this activity was the teamwork I was overhearing from my munchkins!!

H is for Happy!! This was a fun little art project that helped promote our letter of the week and fostered some great fine motor skills with our glue!

After a focus on owls this week, we reviewed the different body parts of the owl. We had a great week talking about owls and this was a great opportunity to review all that we learned!

Check out the owl we made from 4 different shapes: rectangles, ovals, circles and triangles!

h is for horse! This has got to be the cutest little horse you have ever seen! This was a great opportunity to work on our fine motor skills by placing the yarn and peeling the sticker eyes.

One of the last awesome things I was able to capture is the reminisce of the rhyming study we have been beginning. We rhymed different h words, and had fun exploring silly rhyming language!

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