Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Halloween to You!!

 We got ready for Halloween Night this week!! We had tons of fun, so check out our week and what I could capture from the fun-filled time we had!

We began our week with a pumpkin toss, practicing our hand-eye coordination and tossing pumpkins into a basket or hoop.

We made smoosh jack-o-lanterns for art!! We loved to see each original pumpkin that emerged from our art!!

My munchkins sorted and classified acorns by size and by color here!

We made pumpkin pudding! My munchkins stirred instant “banana flavored pudding,” and we turned it orange to make it pumpkin!! We enjoyed it with a few cookies!

Have you heard of hot potato? What about hot jack-o-lantern!! Well that’s just what we played here!!

We ate our jack-o-lantern for snack! It was a yummy orange!!

We’re working hard to sit for Circle! Check out how well we are doing!!

Our new big focus is on rhyming words- look at everything we came up with that rhymes with “bat!”

White ghost footsies and black spider hands helped make our Halloween Trick-or-Treat bags extra special!!

Happy Halloween! Us teachers were Dr. Seuss themed.  I was Cat in the Hat and Ms. Jenny and Ms. Gina were Thing 1 and Thing 2. So cute!!

Nothing is cuter than these little munchkins trick-or-treating throughout the school!!

Here is our Halloween Party!! Cupcakes and a Dance Party!! What more could one ask?!?

I hope everyone had a wonderful, fun and safe Halloween!!

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