Sunday, April 20, 2014

My Oh My, A Butterfly!

Caterpillars and Butterflies!

Butterflies are majestic bugs and we just love them!!

We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly this week!
We got to match up different bugs and get familiar with the names of different bugs.

We also practiced putting numbers 1-9 in order, in order to complete a puzzle that unveiled a different bug.

For art we made beautiful watercolor butterflies!!

In Kids Kitchen we used both red and green grapes to create a caterpillar. I encouraged my munchkins to use a pattern if they wanted and to get creative J They had great caterpillars and, before eating them, I encouraged them to count out how many grapes they each used.

We had a fun fine motor experience with bug stamping…

We also build caterpillars out of different colorful pompoms…

We’ve also been working very hard on gaining more control with our fine motor skills. Check out these caterpillar lines!!

We had fun acting out the life cycle of a butterfly on our Science Deck.
Starting as an egg…

Hatching and being a very hungry, tiny little caterpillar… and eating and Eating until…

We are big enough and it is time to spin a chrysalis around ourselves, where we wait for two weeks!!


We made caterpillars out of our names, and my munchkins challenged themselves by attempting to put their letters in the correct order. Great work!

We have been working on our rhyming skills and had fun rhyming with the word “bug.” Check out the real and make-believe words we came up with!!

Butterflies sip nectar through their tongues, which are shaped like straws. Here, we sipped on sugar water/nectar, just like a butterfly!!

We also practiced our cutting skills, cutting a straight line, and stopping at the butterfly.

To complete the week we made smoosh butterflies! Aren’t they pretty!!

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