Monday, April 14, 2014

Emotion's and Feelings Week

If You’re Happy and You Know It, Clap You’re Hands!

We talked all about emotions, beginning with the fun song, “If you’re happy and you know it…” We explored all types of different emotions and had fun acting them out!

At Circle Time we took a poll to see what types of feelings we had today. I explained that all feelings were okay, as long as we were nice to our friends.

Afterwards we enjoyed some delicious cookies!! We got to decide which emotion we liked and I added it to the cookie!!

We have great emotional cards that show pictures of people in real-world situations and their reactions. We had fun trying to identify what was going on in the picture!!

For art we made happy sunshines!!

On Tuesday we explored the topic of sadness more and I asked the children what makes them feel sad.

We also worked on identifying our letter of the week in our names! Here, one of my munchkins is pointing out the letters in her name.

We had fun practicing writing sad faces on the white board and tried to draw other emotions as well.

Sometimes things irritate or “bug” us, so we explored “What Bugs Us?” and made cute little bugs with our fingers.

We had fun patterning with different emotions!

On Friday we read a story about grouchy clouds. We made our own little grouchy clouds. Look at these cute little grouchy munchkins!! Too much fun!

We also got to celebrate Sophia’s 3rd Birthday!! Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!

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