Monday, February 4, 2013

Community Helpers, Week 2!

We spent two awesomely fun-filled weeks learning all about the Community Helpers around town and discussed what kinds of jobs we may want to have when we grow up

Here is a peek at our second week of study:

We began our second week off with a study on the different branches of the military. We live in San Diego and have all three branches: the Army, Navy and Marines fairly close. Some of us have mommies and daddies or other family and neighbors that are in the military so this was a great group to study! After reading a great Navy Book a parent brought in, we talked about the meaning of the word “Camouflage” and made a fun camouflage art project!
We love our Peek-A-Boo Counting!! This week our theme was a police badge! Super fun! All of the children love to count aloud and pay attention to the numerals so they can find the hiding “peek-a-boo” badge! They are all such great counters because of this activity. When we begin our study of numeral recognition, I know that they will be able to pick it up quickly because of this activity too! It’s so fun and educational!

Our next day of study was all about doctors! We have a great community helper puzzle set so at Circle Time we worked together to put a doctor puzzle together. We talked about the trick of beginning on the corners and sides and how to find them.
For art we made a doctor's hat. I wrote the children’s names on the head band (ex: Doctor Vivienne) and they decorated it with dot-art paint. Afterwards, they worked their fine motor skills and wrapped tin foil around a pre-cut cardboard circle.
I affixed it all together and they all had a chance to be little doctors for the day!
After talking about doctors for people, we talked about animal doctors- Veterinarians! I had all the children bring in their own stuffed animal to fix-up. At circle time, after showing them how, I gave them each some gauze to wrap up a boo-boo on their animal.
For science, we took our white gauze and red and blue tinted water. After we put some gauze in the red and blue we mixed the waters together and made purple! We had three different colored gauze groups!
After the gauze dried the children got to create art with it and made some very different sculptures, mounds and designs! Lots of creativity at work!
To help produce stronger fine motor skills we got to “feed” a horse by scooping apples and a doggie by picking up bones with tweezers. These are great activities from the Lakeshore Company.
The following day we talked all about Mail Carriers! We had a lot of fun learning about mail boxes and how the mail system works, then created our own special “giant” stamp.
I asked each child’s parent to secretly write their children a special letter and place it in an envelope. I told the children that the Mailman came to see us and delivered special letters just for them! I gave them their letters and they were so excited!
After they opened their letters, working on their fine motor skills, I read each of them their letters. They requested to hear it twice and would have continued to have me reread their letters if we had time. It was very special for them!
It was also a great experience for them to see how letters make up messages that contain meaning!
Afterwards, we made special art, stuffed our own envelopes and decorated our envelopes. We delivered mail back to our parents!!
Our last special Community Helper of focus was a Painter. We talked about all the different places a Painter can be hired to paint and had fun dressing up during circle Time!! We then had a blast painting throughout our classroom. Every inch was theirs to paint!!

For art I covered a big area and then let the children pretend they were actually painting the wall. They each made “Mini Masterpieces," and they enjoyed it a lot!! Who knew that painting vertically could be so fun!

I hope you enjoyed our Community Helper Unit as much as we did!! Check back for our Month of Love and Other Emotions for February!!


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