Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Love is my favorite emotion! With a holiday coming up celebrating love, I thought we should dedicate a whole week just to LOVE!

We began our week off with a discussion of what love is. I got some great answers, but the lit up faces on all of my darling children’s faces were the best part. Everyone loves talking about LOVE!


After our first discussion and a great book we decided to watercolor coffee filter hearts. These hearts were pre-cut and made with a thick “coffee filter” paper. If you find giant filters and cut them out yourself the tie-dye effect is even better. Here is a little sample of ours.

We decided to master some cooking skills as well as some fine motor and sensory skills by making play dough!! The children helped me stir and we added red food coloring and sparkles. I just love sparkles!!

The finished product!

In the classroom I also set up some more fine motor stations:

We used clothespins with hearts.

I also put copies of hearts under sheet protectors, which are great with white board markers. I got the greatest idea on Pinterest and attached pompoms to the ends of the white board markers and the children can erase their marks without having to search for an eraser.


The following day we talked about, “How We Give Love,” at Circle Time. The answers were super cute!!


We talked about sizes today at as a group and looked at hearts that were bigger, smaller, smallest, etc. The children took turns choosing the bigger or smaller hearts.

Afterwards we made a collage out of the hearts!


I made new Peek-A-Boo themed cards: none other than hearts!! We love to count with this activity!! The children look for the peek-a-boo hiding heart and in the meantime they are counting consecutively and focusing on the numerals!! We are already counting to 25!!


For art today we continued to focus on developing our fine motor skills, our hand-eye coordination, and our persistence and determination!! We laced an entire heart!! This is not an easy feat for my energy-filled two-year olds and I was very proud of them!! They were proud too!!
Of course we had to explore the shape that represents LOVE!! After talking about the heart we played a great game. We sang, “I’m Thinking of a Shape (3 times)” then sing, “Where is the heart” We reviewed all of our basic shapes and colors, sang and had tons of fun!!

Our last day this week we focused on the color associated with love- pink and red that is!! We did a science experiment and discovered that red and white makes pink!! The girls helped me and had a blast mixing the paint! My little scientists!!

We couldn’t let our pretty pink paint go to waste!! We tickled our toes and painted our feet with it!!
Check out our “I Love You” note to our families:

Valentine’s Day shenanigans are going to be happening all next week. Check back to see what we were up to!!



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