Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day

Love has definitely been in the air in our classroom! This was our second week of love and we spent most of it learning all about the holiday that celebrates it, Valentine’s Day!

We started our week off in the kitchen! We made red sugar cookies! The munchkins honed in on their cooking skills, fine motor skills and patience while we mixed the ingredients together and waited for the cookies to bake.

They were worth it! So very yummy J

We made a fun art project and created our own fluffy paint! I combined shaving cream and white glue, plus a little water color to add a pop of color, and voila! The munchkins loved the foamy paint!

After painting 4 hearts each, and letting them dry of course, the munchkins worked on their fine motor, hand-eye coordination and persistence skills and laced the hearts together. I hung them from the ceiling. So festive!!


The next day we read a special book about making valentines. After reviewing the shape of love and valentines we were able to look at the back of the book and identify different colors and shapes hidden on the book. It was a great opportunity to help increase our comprehension and reviewed our shapes and colors!

BLOOPER ALERT: For art we had a bit of a blooper activity. They all happen every now and then J We were making our valentine’s bags and had tons of fun painting them. I had cut the top in the shape of a heart but miss-planned. The bag’s paint dried and closed all of the openings. It was a great idea and, with a couple of tweaks, we will try this again next year.

Our next trial-run for our Valentine’s collectors were made from small pink and red mailboxes that I picked up from Target. I found some special stickers and the munchkins decorated their mailboxes with the stickers. Stickers are tricky for our age-group so this was a fun, yet challenging task. The end result was a bunch of beautiful treat collectors!!

We talked about the terms Sink and Float today too! I gathered some pink and red items that would float and sink and we had fun watching them react in the water. After a few items, the munchkins had fun predicting the last few objects. We will continue to revisit this concept to help us understand these concepts more. It was tons of fun!!
Valentine’s Day couldn’t come quicker! We celebrated all day long! One of the first activities we did was Conversation Heart Math!! Candies and math are the best combination!
First we each took a handful and added it to our graph. We got comfortable with our classification-by-color skills with this activity.

We each got a turn to separate the candies on our own with the following activity. Each of my munchkins got a handful of candies and practiced their listening and classification skills. They did a great job with this and we celebrated by eating a candy at the end!!

Next we each handed out valentines! That was too much fun! I was so proud of the munchkins and how polite they all were! Every time a valentine was handed out, we practiced saying, “Happy Valentine’s Day,” and every recipient said, “Thank You!” Yay Munchkins!

We ended our day doing what we love most! We played with babies!!!! What did you do?


Check back for our week exploring the rest of our emotions! Silly, sad, mad, excited, scared It will all be explored!

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