Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feelings and Emotions

We were definitely in touch with our emotions this week with our theme of Feelings and Emotions! We acted feelings out, had fun expressing ourselves and talked about how it was okay to have all different types of emotions. Check out some activities we did this week!
We started our week off with a cooking activity in our school’s Kids Kitchen. We each chose an emotion and made “Emotional Cookies.” The kids loved the thought of making cookies with faces on them!


While we waited for the cookies to bake we played “Simon Says” with different emotions. It was super silly!!

Singing is one of my munchkin’s favorite things to do. We had tons of fun singing “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” to explore more about emotions at Circle Time.
We talked all about colors that made us happy and we decided to paint with orange and yellow. Later, I cut them into little sun shines, because, well, doesn’t sun shine make you happy J

We have these great emotional cards that show different people's real emotions. As a table activity, my munchkins had a great time pointing out all of the different emotions they recognized.
Our next focus was on hurt feelings. This happens a lot at this age and I thought would be a fun topic to discuss.
We played with the idea of band aids fixing our “emotional boo boos” at Circle Time. We also explored the idea of “big” and “small” and each took a turn pointing out the different sized band aids.
Afterwards, we did an art project with band aids. I showed my munchkins how they can create a person from the band aids, then let their creativity get to work with their very own project. They honed in on their creativity and fine motor skills as they peeled the band aids and placed them all by themselves.



As a fun table activity, I attached a magnetic paper clip to emotion cards. My munchkins had a blast “Fishing for Emotions,” while they worked their hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and pincer grip strength.

Our next focus was on negative feelings: the grouchies, sad and mad feelings. We read a fun story called, “TheGrouchies,” by Debbie Wagenbach, and made our very own grouchy clouds for art.

We sang our grouchy version of “If You’re Mad and You Know It,” and had fun acting out grumpy poses!!

Our last day of the week was a complete review of our study. We played a modified version of Memory, suited for our age-group. All of the cards were facing up and my munchkins had the task of finding their matches by noticing the similarities with the two cards. By the end, we all made a match!

Our final discussion on feelings led to our art project of the day. We each chose the emotion that we were feeling and decorated it. In order to link in our literacy development, we discussed the beginning letter of each chosen emotion and identified it while saying the word slowly.


It’s Dr. Seuss’ Birthday next week! Celebrate with us and check back in next week to see what we were up to! Loads of rhyming words and sillies!

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