Sunday, March 17, 2013

Caterpillars and Butterflies

Caterpillars are only one of the few creatures in the world to go through metamorphosis and completely transform in to an entirely different body structure. It is truly a remarkable mystery of nature!


This week we focused our attention entirely on the mysterious caterpillar and butterfly.


We began our week by building a grape caterpillar. It was tons of fun and a bit of a challenge to line up the rolling grapes.


We talked all about the caterpillar and its life cycle.
For art we picked out pompoms and made our very own caterpillars.

In the afternoon we got to act out, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” by Eric Carle, with our caterpillars!!

We painted with colored milk! We painting a piece of bread shaped as a leaf and then added a circle cookie for the egg of the caterpillar. This was themed after, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

We had fun acting out the life cycle of a butterfly! We got into a ball as an egg, popped out of our egg and crawled around to eat as a caterpillar, we grew tall as a chrysalis and then got to fly around as a butterfly!

I will be adding more pictures to this post in a few days. My class did some fun activities with their substitute while I was out so I will add those later this week J


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