Sunday, March 24, 2013

Squiggly Wiggly Worms!

We tickled our interest in the nature around us with our focus on Worms this week!


This week we learned all about Worms! They are so fascinating and such helpful members in nature!!


We began our week off talking about how worms have no eyes, no ears and no nose. It’s a wonder that they can find their food and get around like they do.

We made dirt cups in our Kids Kitchen!! We had tons of fun crushing up cookies with a rolling pin, mixed pudding and then enjoyed!!



For art, we made fingerprint worms. We developed our mathematics skills by counting each of our worm body finger prints!

The next day we tickled our sensory bone and got to play with wiggly worm pasta! We talked about short and long and how pasta looks like wiggly worms!

We painted with our worms I mean pasta, today!! I put down glue on the paper and my munchkins got to choose their favorite color. They had tons of sensory fun!

We worked on our fine motor skills in the afternoon and attached clothespins to worm counters.


We got real worms! Most of my munchkins touched the worms and got to see their amazing digging skills!

After talking about how worms eat apples and other fruit, which is one reason why we wash our fruit before we eat it, we made handprint apples with worms.

My munchkins got their own worms and worked on their fine motor skills by attaching clothespins to them. We counted how many they each attached and then graphed our achievements.


The next day we made egg carton worms!! This was tons of fun!!

We also got to make a compost bucket!! My munchkins loved to help by eating the banana for the peel and then we added in soil and an apple core as well. We can’t wait to see what it all looks like next week!

Check back in next week to see what we are up to during our flying bug week!

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