Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

“Think left and think right

And think low and think high

Oh! The thinks you can think up

If only you try!”

-Dr. Seuss

Happy Seuss Week! Did you know, if Dr. Seuss was still with us today, he would turn 109 on March 2nd!!

Our class celebrated his amazing pieces of literature this week and learned all about Silly Dr. Seuss!


After reading our first book, “The Cat in the Hat,” we made Cat in the Hat pudding! We took turns stirring the red and white pudding then my munchkins patiently counted each dollop I layered in our pudding cups to create a red and white effect. We had fun cooking and practicing our rote counting!


We discussed our story again and talked about what a rhyming word was. Our letter of the week, the letter H, had a great example- house. We talked about what rhymed with house, as well as many other examples. Each time we recognized two or more rhyming words we chanted “Rhyming Words,” with our hands in the air.

We made our very own hats to match Cat in the Hat and practiced counting each individual stripe we added to our hat. My munchkins worked on their one to one correspondence, linking a number to each object, and their fine motor skills while they use their glue sticks to glue down the stripes.


In the Afternoon we read, “Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book!” We attempted our very own letters in shaving cream! I gave each of my munchkins an example of “their letter” (the first letter of their name) and had them try to recreate it in the cream. We had tons of fun!

We read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” in our Kid’s Kitchen on Tuesday. We used colored Goldfish Crackers and a counting worksheet to link numerals to amounts. As we counted fish into our bowl counted aloud to help us with our one-to-one correspondence. We snacked on a few afterwards to celebrate a job well done!
Each of my munchkins brought in their favorite Seuss book on Tuesday. The each had a chance to share their book in front of the class and practiced their public speaking skills. We loved to sit in the teacher’s chair!
We read, “The Foot Book,” and counted how many feet we had in the classroom.
For art we made foot prints! My munchkins wiggled and giggled while getting their tootsies painted!!!
In the afternoon we explored the idea of measurement. We used unifix cubes to measure how long our feet were and then compared everyone’s length. All of my munchkin’s feet were 7 unifix cubes long except for one cute little foot that was 6 cubes long.
I decorated our door with our Cat in the Hat hats and a special picture of each of my munchkins. They make the cutest Cat in the Hats!

On Wednesday it was our Silly Sock Day! Each of my munchkins dressed up in silly and mismatched socks. We had so much fun sharing! It was a great way to develop our language and confidence in front of the class. We read, “Fox in Sox,” to link it all together.
What cute little tootsies!
For art we decorated socks that looked just like Fox’s socks! We got to pick out our color and glitter to personalize each sock. This also helped us work on our color identification skills.
Our Silly Seuss Socks!

In the afternoon we reviewed our story, “One Fish, Two Fish,” and looked at red and blue fish. We practiced our counting with them, talked about more and less, and then even brought up patterning. These are advanced concepts but it is never too early to start thinking about them! My munchkins loved the cute little fish!

On Thursday we talked all about spatial awareness and began with the story, “A Great Day for Up.” We talked about “up” and “down” and practiced with a game of Simon Says.
We talked about things that are up and things that are down, and then developed our emergent literacy skills by coming up with our very own object that “Goes Up.” The munchkins had tons of fun illustrating and using markers. This was also a great opportunity to practice our fine motor goals with marker control and removing and replacing the caps on the markers.
In the afternoon we read, “Hop on Pop.” With the help of some bubble wrap, we made our own POPS! We warmed up our fine motor skills by popping the bubbles with our fingers, and then we had tons of gross motor fun by “Hopping on the Pop!”
We also did a quick smush art project with Cat in the Hat Stripes that I got from my awesome co-teacher!! Later I made these into my munchkin’s party hats for Friday. We smoothed the paint down, then peeled open the paper to reveal the masterpiece inside!!
In the morning, on Friday, we read, “Green Eggs and Ham” and made our very own green eggs and ham. Everyone liked it surprisingly J

For art we made special Thing One and Thing Two handprints! They were tons of fun to make and looked great!
In the afternoon we had a real birthday party for Dr. Seuss! We wore our party hats, read part of, “Happy Birthday To You!” We sang him Happy Birthday and had special treats to make our celebrations that much sweeter!
A great mom in my class made adorable marshmallow and strawberry skewers and we also celebrated with a cupcake cake in the shape of Cat in the Hat’s hat!! 
In the afternoon we also reviewed the different rhyming words found on the pages of our books. RHYMING WORDS!
We learned a lot this week and had tons of fun doing it!!

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