Monday, May 20, 2013

Howdy! Welcome to our Farm Week!

Old MacDonald had a Farm… E, I, E, I, O!!

We talked all about farms this week! This was a great link to our learning about ponds and it gave us so many opportunities to perfect our animal sounds!!

We began our week off talking about what a farm is. We just love the animals on a farm! Check out all of the animals we named and recreated the sounds of!

We focused on how farmers grow food and learned what exactly a field is. We saw a scarecrow and the kids thought it looked like me. Super Cute!!

Check out the field we made. We learned how farmers use tractors to dig straight lines, counted our lines that we were “plowing” in grey, and then counted the “seeds” we were planting. We got to practice our gluing skills, fine motor skills by crumpling the paper, and beginning addition skills while counting!

We found some great farm animal counters in the afternoon and counted to 25, which is the number we are all working to count to, together as a group!

Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O!!! We just love that song!
For art we made piggies! We learned that baby pigs are called piglets and that they just love to roll in the mud to stay cool. When asked if we should go into a pig pen, one of my munchkins quickly replied, “No way! That’s yucky!”
We made our own pink too. Red and white makes pink!
We had fun talking about the different colors of the farm animal counters.

In the afternoon, we used tweezers to move the counters to our farm game boards.

We worked on farm themed puzzles!
We also had fun linking a magnetic counting story to numerals and the correct number of farm animals.
On Wednesday, we used our teamwork skills to create a big barn together!! We had a blast!!

In the afternoon, we made our very own butter! After talking about where milk comes from, we added "milk" whipping cream to a glass mason jar and shook until we could not shake anymore!

We tried a bit all by itself….
Then we enjoyed it with some biscuits!

We had a blast with our week of Farm Life!!

We’re blasting off to space this week! Check us out next Sunday, or sign up to receive email updates weekly on the right-hand-side by following the blog.
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