Sunday, August 4, 2013

I Spy with my Little Eye... Muchkin Detectives!!

I Spy With My Little Eye… Some eager learners ready to have fun!

This week we had fun following our school’s “I Spy,” Summer Theme and found ourselves observing, noticing and finding all sorts of exciting things!

On Monday we began our day by making gingerbread dough in our Kids Kitchen. We enjoyed taking turns mixing and stirring the dough!

We decorated “spy glasses” or binoculars with dot art. I spy some cute little munchkins!!!

On Tuesday we took out our gingerbread dough, rolled it out and stamped our cookies with cookies cutters. We made some great little gingerbread boys and girls!

For art we made our own little gingerbread people. We colored our templates, exercising our fine motor skills, then added buttons and peeled sticker eyes to complete our little cookies. This was a wonderful fine motor and hand-eye coordination activity!

Upon waiting for Mr. Stas, our chef, to cook our cookies, he informed us that our cookies went missing when he opened the oven to check on them. We went on a hunt for them in our classroom to find our sneaky cookies. Look there they are!

We followed clues throughout the room and finally found those cookies! We had tons of fun!

On Wednesday we uncovered missing letters during art time. It was exciting to uncover and identify all of the different letters hiding in the paper.

 On Thursday we went to the Kids Kitchen and tasted mysterious foods. We guessed which foods we tasted, based on our sensory knowledge.

 We had tons of fun guessing where mouse is hiding. Which colored house is the mouse behind?? This was a wonderful creative thinking, color name identification and public speaking development activity.

We learned about how to write numbers 1-9 with different rhymes and for art we practiced our new knowledge by playing and writing in shaving cream! Some of us loved it and some preferred to enjoy from afar…

 In Kids Kitchen on Friday, we worked with “I Spy” bags. We looked through the bag’s window, moving aside the different beans and identified the different objects hiding in the bags.

For art we solved the case of the mixed up names! We looked at the letters used to complete our names and worked to put them in the correct order!

 To complete our week, we had fun with police and detective themed sticker scenes! Check out this fine motor feat!

We had loads of mysterious fun this week!

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