Sunday, August 18, 2013

Splish Splash Fun!!

Welcome to our Water Week!!

We splish splashed all week long and loved every minute of it!! Check out our water painting skills on Monday morning.

After making our own bubble concoction, we practiced our bubble blowing skills in our Kids Kitchen. We talked about how water is a liquid and with the addition of soap; the bubbles can float into the air. Check out these monster bubbles!!

After some soapy fun in our Kids Kitchen, we extended our bubble fun by adding some paint to our bubble mix and created Bubble Art!

We sorted and created patters with our Ocean Animal counters.

What do you see in these “I Spy Water Bottles?” I see googly eyes, oily bubbles and sparkles!!! We enjoyed seeing water in many different ways!

On Tuesday we made blue water Jell-O!! We heated water, mixed in our gelatin and then added cold water. My munchkins were so excited to eat their Jell-O!

After making the Jell-O, we explored the idea of water temperatures more. We tasted cold, medium and warm water and talked about which temperature we liked to drink the most. This was a great oral language development and sensory experience opportunity!!

During art, we water colored over the first letter of our name, which was taped down for them ahead of time.  We love to paint!!!

On Wednesday we tried out the sand box on the “Big Kid Playground!” We will be trying to do this every Wednesday to get used to the rules, get some sensory fun in, and change up our playground routine. My munchkins had so much fun. I had a hard time getting them to leave J

When we got into the classroom on Wednesday morning, we tried out the Jell-O that we had made the previous day. Yummo!!

We painted with water today!!!! My munchkins laid out tissue paper squares and painted over them. This was a fun, clean activity and gave my munchkins an opportunity to see the effects of water.

Water play on Thursday morning!!!!

Squishy water balloons!!!!

Sometimes, nothing is better than a good ‘ole puddle!!!

When it was time to go to the Kids Kitchen on Thursday, we decided to share our water balloons with the babies. We were really great “sharing friends!”

We explored the concept of things that do and do not mix with water. After referring to the gelatin mix that dissolved into the water earlier in the week, we looked at how oil does not mix with water.

We each got our own “lava lamp” to shake and my munchkins loved to watch as the oil separated from the water.


We didn’t want Water Week to end!!

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