Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Harvest

Harvest Time is upon us so we focused on fruits, vegetables and the concept of harvesting this week! Check out what I was able to capture this past week.

We have been working on gaining a greater understanding of shapes and manipulations of objects so we used small square crackers to create different shapes and objects. Check out the different squares, snakes, towers and other creative objects!

For art we created corn on the cob! We painted bubble wrap and pressed a piece of paper onto the painted wrap, making a print of the bubbles. They look just like corn kernels!

Check out these little farmers!! Here my little munchkins scooped hay, apples and corn to feed some animals with this fun fine motor activity!

We have been working a lot on our tracing working our hand-eye coordination, self-control and pincer grip. Check out these master tracers!

On Tuesday we focused on determining the differences in fruits and vegetables. We worked on classifying the two groups and took turns announcing what we had and what type of food it was!!

Before enjoying a small snack we used our pretzel sticks to create different objects. Look at our letters and long snakes. We were so proud of what we built!!

For art we used real fruit and vegetables to make food prints!!

On Wednesday we took a break from the Kids Kitchen and played inside!! We developed our coordination and gross motor skills and had tons of fun!

We made harvest crowns to celebrate Harvest!!

Patterning is something we have been working on, challenging ourselves with different levels of patterns, ABA, ABBA, AABBAA, etc. Check out these Harvest themed patterns!

On Thursday we used shapes to create different vegetables and made Shape Gardens!

We have been reading some Halloween books, including “The Old Lady That Wasn’t Afraid of Anything.” I asked the students what they thought the old lady saw when she opened her door and this is what some of them said…

d is for dot art!! We had fun creating art in our Kids Kitchen!

We have begun to explore fun rhyming words. We explored some rhyming words after reading a small amount of “Green Eggs and Ham!”

Share time went great this week!! I wish I could capture each and every child, but here is a small snippet of our Share this week!

D is for Dog!! Check out the dogs we made out of the letter D!

Friday was the very first day we worked with scissors!! Although this is both a scary and exciting thought, we will be beginning with scissors that don’t cut hair or, well anything but paper. We will slowly move to sharper scissors as it becomes more and more appropriate. We actually have three different levels of scissors in total!!


Check out these little Harvest Kings and Queens!!

We had a blast this past week and are truly enjoying this California Fall Season!

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