Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cute Lil' Pumpkins in a Pumpkin Patch

My ‘Cute Little Pumpkins’ were learning all about Pumpkins this week!!

We took a look at a real pumpkin on Monday morning and talked about what it felt like and what it looked like.

My munchkins have been working hard on their patterning skills! Here they worked on patterning short and tall pumpkins!

We love to look through library books and have been noticing more and more about the concepts about print. Check out how one of my munchkins noticed the letters in the title of this pumpkin book!

We love to look through our Fall Sensory Tub!! We have been learning about different harvest themed items.

My munchkins learned that carved pumpkins are called ‘jack-o-lanterns’ and we explored how to create one with this sequencing activity.

We made some predictions about what we think will be inside of the pumpkin when we carve it.

Afterwards, we explored the inside of a pumpkin!!

For art we used paint rollers to spread paint over a pumpkin template.

In the afternoon we used our fine motor/pincer grip skills to rip paper and create faces on our pumpkins.

My munchkins touched the insides of the pumpkin today!! We described what we thought it felt like and came up with come great descriptive and comparative words!!

“f” is for rainbow FISH!!

We made yummy mini pumpkin pies!! They were delicious!

We love our pumpkin books!!

My munchkins decided what our jack-o-lantern should have and I carved accordingly J We love our jack-o-lantern!!

We have a pumpkin decorating party!! I can’t decide if I like the eye balls or the colors more…

Happy Birthday Jackson!! We had so much fun celebrating Jackson turning 3 on Friday!

 We had a lot of fun this week!

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