Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gingerbread Cookies

Run, Run As Fast As You Can. You Can’t Catch Me, I’m The Gingerbread Man!!!!

We spent the week trying to catch the gingerbread man! Check out our week below…

We tried gingerbread on Monday! After tasting our cookie we looked at the first bite we took out of the cookie. Most of us bit his bead!!

For art we made gingerbread people!! We used pompoms and yarn to decorate our little gingerbread people!!

We have been working on a stronger understanding of one-to one correspondence, by counting each gingerbread cookie only once.

Our coloring skills are getting stronger and stronger! Check out these gingerbread coloring sheets!!

On Tuesday we made gingerbread ornaments! We mixed salt dough and had fun using cookie cutters to stamp the dough into little gingerbread men!

We have been exploring comparative vocabulary and work on this while pointing out the “biggest” and “smallest” gingerbread men on the white boards.

In the afternoon we reviewed our shapes and decorated a gingerbread man.

On Wednesday we decorated giant gingerbread men! We had tons of fun!

Here’s a little sneak peak of the present we have been working on for our parents!!

We decided which character we like the most from the Gingerbread Man stories and painted it. We made them into hats later on this week.

We have been working hard on building on our “Listening Skills.” Here are some pictures of our following directions and reviewing the different ways we display listening skills.

In the afternoon we decorated a beautiful Christmas Tree with ornaments in different shapes and colors. After drawing many shaped ornaments on the tree, we worked on our numeral recognition skills by reviewing the correct numeral that is connected to how many ornaments there were.

We made Gingerbread Cookies from scratch on Friday!!!!

We asked Mr. Stas to cook them for us, but reminded him to not let them run away!!

In the afternoon we came back to the kitchen to get the cookies out of the oven, but….
They all ran off!! They left a clue though J

We followed a few clues until…

We found our cookies, back in our classroom!

We had tons of fun decorating our cookies and ate them all up, just like the fox!!!!

What a delicious week!

Here are some other fun highlights from our week!

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