Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shhh! The animals are sleeping…. It's Hibernation Time!

Brrr… It’s Cold Outside!! We learned this week where the animals go when winter comes to the forest!

We began out week by making “Hibernation Shakes!” We made chilly chocolate banana shakes and explored the idea of the cold weather that winter brings us. Brrr… that blender was cold!

Yummo! We loved our shakes!

We have been working on strengthing our tracing skills and just love to work with markers! After tracing lines that show different animals where their burrows are, we created beautiful pictures on the back of our pages.

For art we created burrows for our animals to hibernate in. We used the best paintbrushes around, our own hands, to create our masterpieces!

Bear in a Bag! Bear in a bag, bear in a bag. What do you get with a bear in a bag? We found numbers!!! What a fun way to practice our number recognition skills! We even found real bears!! Roar!

Our letter of the week is the letter K! What word can you come up with that begins with K?

We love Jingle Bells!!! After doing a great job with our listening skills during Circle Time, we took turns jingling bells!!!

We learned the different animals that hibernate! My munchkins came up with a bunch of animals and we talked about which ones hibernate and why.

For art on Tuesday we colored bears of all different sizes. We have been working hard on our pincer grip form and coloring inside the lines.

Later we put our bears in order from biggest to smallest, practicing our classification skills and also building our comparative vocabulary.

We also made little snowmen with our hands. Come to our classroom to see how they turned out!

We have been initiating more imaginative play lately! Here are some pictures of our fun times with friends!

We talked more about snow today and explored what type of weather bears and animals must deal with during the wintertime. We talked about what snow is made from, water, and then made our very own snow!! We had wet hands from the ice!

We added apple juice to it and had apple juice snow for snack!

Our class only has 2 K’s in our names!! Wow! We have been working on becoming more familiar with our first and last names and incorporated our Letter of the Week in our discussion!

We made bear hats for art today! We painted the bear faces with three different colors and got to see what happens when the colors are blended together.

We have been learning more about counting objects and focusing on counting objects one by one. After categorizing objects by different attributes, we practiced our counting skills.

After our bears dried, we wore our hats and did the Bear Hunt!!

Shhh… Our Bears are hibernating in our Hibernation Station!

Our scissor skills have been evolving! Check it out!

We concluded the week by making some glittery snowflakes!!

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