Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holiday Happiness

Happy Holiday Cuties!! Check out a few of the fun things we did before our Winter Break. Although my camera pooped out on me, I was still able to capture a few of our fun moments!

We had some rainy days before our break and spent some quality time in the kitchen preparing up a holiday feast for our friends. It was fun to see how organized my munchkins pretend play is getting! They are developing so much both academically, physically, socially and emotionally!!

We have been honing in on our mathematical skills in many ways. Here we used our snowflake cards to explore one-to-one correspondence, counting each object only once.

Here we used our snowflake cards to practice our numeral identification skills. After counting the snowflakes we identified which numeral corresponded to that amount, then used our fine motor skills to attach a clothespin to the correct numeral.

We also used the snowflake cards to count the number of snowflakes and identify which had the “most” snowflakes and which had the “least.”

We found some time to do art!!  Here are our white handprints we made on mittens! “Cold Hands, Warm Heart!”

Looking at picture books is one of our favorite past times! We love books that correspond with our theme!

Some of us celebrate Santa at our houses, and some of us do not. Either way we talked a lot about giving as a special part of the holiday season!! Some of us couldn’t help but talk about the presents we might like to receive…

We decorated holiday trees for a special delicious treat! We had fun adding little treats to a frosting covered ice cream cone!

I couldn’t tell if it was more fun to decorate or lick our fingers after finishing the decorating!!

We made a name tree! We got to talk about numbers, letters, how letters make up a word, whose name/word is the longest, shortest and so much more!!

Your special holiday gifts from your munchkins were wrapped in paper that was specially stamped and decorated by them!! They had a blast!

Although they weren’t sent home before the break, there are some great wreaths made especially by our munchkin’s very own hands!!

We had a blast this week and look forward to all 2014 has in store for us!

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