Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanks and Giving

We are Thankful for EVERYTHING and are exploring ways to show it this week!

The week before Thanksgiving we explored all the reasons we are thankful and different ways we can give thanks!

We are so thankful for each other!!! Our friendships have been growing stronger and stronger each day and we enjoy having such great friends so much!

Throughout the day we enjoy tons of different table activities. Here’s a little sample of the different types of table activities we do throughout the day.

Coloring is a great fine motor activity and gives us a great opportunity to practice hand-eye coordination and self control when trying to color within the lines. Check out our cute lil’ turkeys!!

Puzzles give us practice with our logic skills, problem solving and is great fine motor practice as well. This is also a great sharing experience because there are always the “favorite” puzzles that we must wait to do J

Hexagon puzzles give us shape recognition, eye-hand coordination and fine motor development! Sharing is also something that is learned with this activity!

Our color bears can be sorted by sizes and colors, and also patterned, which is what we are doing here!

We love to read story books aloud! Exploring books allows us to get familiar with the different concepts of print, develops oral language development and helps foster creativity!

We are also learning how to cut and work with scissors!

I hope this little snapshot of the different table activities set out during the day helps you to see what your munchkins work on throughout the day J  Now back to Thanks and Giving…

While trying to help my munchkins understand the meaning of being thankful, I asked them what they are “happy to have,” and this is what they saidJ

J is our letter of the week this week. Check out what we came up with! My munchkins are coming up with some great words all by themselves!

We made turkeys with our very own hands! We are working on a special Thanksgiving Present for our families!

We finished our Turkey Gobbler Hats. Check out these cute little turkeys!

We made Thankful Cookies in Kids Kitchen with the help of Mr. Stas! They were super yummy!

This is a picture of one of my munchkins sharing on Tuesday. I couldn’t resist capturing her superb story telling skills!

We worked on lacing today to create the perfect handle for our Thanksgiving gift to our parents! Check out their fine motor skills!

We drew turkeys on our own, stimulating our creativity and memory from last week!

On Wednesday we made J shaped pancakes from scratch! They turned out perfect!

We made Thank You Cards to our parents today! I wanted to help my munchkins learn ways to give their thanks to the different people in their life and this was a really fun way to do so! My munchkins told me what they wanted to say and they did the rest!

In the afternoon we played a fun number recognition game called “Turkey in a Bag!” My munchkins pulled a card from the bag and if they pulled a number they said the number, but if they pulled a turkey everyone got up and acted like a turkey!! Too Much FUN!!!

Thursday was full of Rainy Day Fun! We enjoyed staying inside and playing in the small two’s room across the hall!

In Kids Kitchen we made our very own Orange Jam for a “J” snack! It was delicious!!!!

We made Thankful Turkeys!!!! After adding feathers to turkeys my munchkins got to tell me four things they were thankful for. I was so impressed with their answers and so happy to see that they understood the meaning of being thankful!

On Friday morning we made “J”ello Pudding!! It was a yummy J snack to end the week!

We took turns counting different Thanksgiving themed objects and then identifying the correct numeral! I was so proud of my munchkins and this difficult skill!! WOW!

We even got to celebrate our awesome friend Riley and her Third Birthday!! Happy Birthday Riley!!!!!

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