Sunday, April 14, 2013

Colors of the Rainbow

We explored the colors of the rainbow this week!


We started the week off with a celebration of all colors and made rainbow Fruit Loop necklaces. We had tons of fun making these yummy necklaces and also worked our fine motor skills!

The first color we are focusing on is the color red! Here is our first arch of handprints for the rainbow we will be making throughout the week.

We also worked on our pincer grip strength by tearing red paper for a fun collage.

On Tuesday we talked all about orange and yellow! In our Kids Kitchen we decided to make lemonade with lemons to celebrate the color yellow.

We smelled them

We tasted them

Then we made our lemonade and we took turns squeezing them


At Circle Time we had tons of fun looking at the world through the different colors of the rainbow. I SEE YOU!!
In the afternoon we explored orange and found out that red and yellow mixed together make orange.

Wednesday was all about the color GREEN! We found out that blue and yellow mixed together make green and had tons of fun doing it!

Color bears were a great connection to our color theme and enabled us to practice our counting and one-to-one correspondence.  


In the afternoon we talked about all foods that are green. We collected them from our kitchen area then named them together.

We made a fun rainbow sponge paint rainbow on Thursday morning.

Blue was the color of the day on Thursday.

On Friday we talked all about purple. We made our own purple by mixing blue and red.

We reviewed the colors of the rainbow at Circle Time by singing, “The Colors of the Rainbow,” and picking the correct color when it was our turn.
We explored rainbows a little deeper. We talked about how rainbows come from up near the clouds. We made our own shaving cream clouds and watched the colors of the rainbow come down.

The finish off the week of colors, we picked our favorite color card and attached clothespins to the cards to work our fine motor skills.

Check us out next week for our fun times with Gardening!

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