Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gardening Week!

April Showers brings May Flowers!


This week we talked all about gardening! We learned what a garden is, what grows there and how to take care of a garden. Along the way we experienced a magical garden, created tons of adorable gardening themed art work, practiced our gardening skills and tasted some yummy treats that could grow in a garden. Check out our week of Gardening below!


On Monday we began by planting a magical garden made of marshmellow and oreo cookie dirt. Everyone took turns planting magical skittle seeds and we waited until the afternoon to see what grew!

It was magic! Fruit loops appeared and grew so quickly in our garden!

We practiced our gardening skills and fine motor skills by scooping one scoop of delicious garden into a cup and enjoyed our garden treat!

We painted sunflowers for art and in the afternoon we added real sunflower seeds to the center of our flowers. We talked about how sunflowers grow big and these seeds sit in the center of the flower. When the wind picks up, it scatters the seeds, helping to grow new flowers.


On Tuesday we made a garden fruit salad. We collected fruits that you could grow in a garden, mixed it all up and enjoyed our yummy treat in our Kids Kitchen.


We collected the different foods in our classroom kitchen area and attached clothespins to the food, working on our fine motor skills.


We also had fun scooping beans, pretending we were gardening, and reading different gardening books.

For art we made a fun shape garden! We sponge painted our garden’s soil, then added different shapes that represented foods in a garden. We worked on naming each shape as we placed them down.

On Wednesday we made flowers with our cute little hands! I let my munchkins pick their favorite color and we made then in the shape of flowers!!

In the afternoon we set up an experiment to find out how plants drink up water. We looked at a stalk of celery and tried to find its mouth. We added food coloring to water and decided we would watch how the celery drinks up the water.

Check out what we found the next day!

 On Thursday we visited our school’s garden!

We had a blast watering the plants.


We had a blast watering the plants.

At Circle Time we read a fun gardening book and then took turns pointing out a flower and naming its color.

Afterwards, we danced the Flower Pokey! Put your petals in, put your petals out, put your petals in and shake them all about


At art time we used real carrots to stamp on a carrot shaped paper, then painted our hands green and added the handprint leafs on the top of the carrot.


On Friday we talked about our favorite colors and made tissue paper flowers for art!

In the afternoon we created a fun shape flower and then took turns pointing out the different shapes during a shape recognition game.

We had a blast this week!

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