Sunday, April 7, 2013

Rainboots and Umbrellas!!

It’s raining, it’s pouring


Although it didn’t rain this week, we sure celebrated the rain clouds in true munchkin style!!


We began our week with some cloudy banana pudding! My munchkins love to cook and are really great at it! We made the banana pudding ourselves, then used vanilla “cloud cookies” to scoop our pudding! We talk a lot about measurements and the names of the utensils, as well as learning to stir!!

We talked about Spring time today too! We talked about rain and I asked my little munchkins, what comes out of the clouds What is rain? Some fun answers include, “flowers, pizza, mommy, and dinner.” Afterwards, my munchkins explored the importance of rain during spring time and made giant flowers for art!
Later in the week I was able to add the cutest little centers to our flowers! We will be developing a garden under our bulletin board in the next few days
The following day we made our very own clouds! We micro waved Ivory soap and created a fluffy fun time!! It smelled like soap all throughout the kitchen!


We read the book, “It Looked Like Spilt Milk,” by Charles Shaw for our morning Circle Time. For art we made, “Smoosh Clouds,” and had fun determining what our clouds looked like. I LOVED the creativity my munchkins had with this!!

The following day we talked all about dark rain clouds and had fun exploring the types of clothing you could wear out in the rain. For art we used a turkey baster to drop water color onto our clouds. This was tons of fun!!
To finish out our week we talked about what comes out in the sky after the rain is gone, Rainbows!! We had some fun conversations about where we think the rainbow is going “to our mommies,” was the popular answer J Afterwards, we made a fun rainbow flower. We colored with markers (one of our favorite “big kid” art tools) then sprayed water on our art to create a fun rainbow effect.

Next week we will be “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” talking all about colors and rainbows! Come check it out next week!!

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